Context & Culture: Introduction

All the participants in the project The Learning Eye share a passionate interest in decoding images and finding new ways of seeing and looking. Our heterogenous background as artists, graphic designers, curators, archivists and anthropologists has turned out to be our greatest asset.

We use various and even divergent theoretical perspectives but most of us come from the multidisciplinary field of Visual Studies. Our common denominator is that we are all in one way or another involved in Education and visual communication. We have decided to work together because we wanted to learn more about each other’s teaching methods. We believe in learning by doing, which we have done through the project’s preliminary courses and the ensuing dynamic discussions.

It has been a fruitful process whereby we have learned to share our experience and theoretical knowledge. The main purpose has been to find new educational tools by using dialogue and interactivity. We want to give better access to the visual codes and messages that surround us in everyday life.